July 24, 2008
Part way through the episode I was sure I knew how it would end, but I wasn't totally right.
But once I learned, at the beginning of the series, that Barkhorn had a younger sister confined to hospital, I was sure that at the end she'd ask Miyafuji to go with her to the hospital, to heal the sister.
Maybe they're saving that for later in the series. Barkhorn feels gratitude to Miyafuji but never said so, and maybe later we'll have a scene where Barkhorn thanks her and explains why she had been so cold. And then maybe Miyafuji will offer to visit the sister and heal her.
In the mean time, I was right that the other members of the team would be happy to have a healer in the crew. The utility is blatantly obvious.
It was also interesting to see Wilcke chewing someone out. She seems to be a good commander, and a good commander knows that commanding harshly is not the best way to get what you want, especially from a coalition command like this one. However, a good commander also knows that sometimes you need to be harsh with someone, and this was definitely such a situation.
Finally, regarding Perrine:
I wonder if Perrine's attitude will change from now on? Hope so; it was getting old.So Miyafuji has her first home run for the team, and her stock with her teammates is now rising.
You know, after what happened to Karlsland (i.e. Germany) I can understand why Barkhorn is tied in knots. But why are Wilcke and Hartmann so easy going? Wouldn't you think they'd have some ghosts, too? Actually, considering that the Neuroi also stomped pretty hard on Gallia, I would figure Perrine would have more things on her mind than a yuri-crush on Sakamoto.
On to other things. Among the commenters elsewhere who are down on this show, one of the most common claims is that Sky Girls is better. How they could judge that after only one episode of Strike Witches (which is when I started seeing that) is hard to tell, but it did make me curious.
Last night I got onto the fansub site where I have a membership and downloaded the Sky Girls OVA and the entire TV series. I watched the OVA.
The good side: Kawasumi Ayako! She gets to do her scream-of-attack which I came to know and love from Mahoromatic, though she also used it once, I think, in Ninja Nonsense. And her character is wonderful.
The bad side: it seems to have a different kind of chemistry. The conceit of "95% of the men between ages 20 and 40 perished in the first round of combat, so there are only girls left to do the fighting" is an even worse contrivance than some of the stuff its fans criticize about Strike Witches. (In which girls are doing the fighting because only those with magic can fight the Neuroi, and only girls have magic.) And it seemed to me that there was just as much gratuitous camera attention to the naughty bits of the girls.
I'm not sure how much of Sky Girls I'll end up watching, but I'll give some of it a try at least, to see what the fuss is about. But it seems to me that the most visceral reaction is probably due to the wider range of ages of the girls in Strike Witches, who range from 19 (Sakamoto) to 12 (Lucchini). Nominally all three of the girls in Sky Girls are 16 -- though you sure wouldn't know it to look at how they're drawn. From the art they all look like prematurely-blooming 12 year olds.
One other difference: Sky Girls ran 26 episodes, and I have serious doubt about whether there's that much story in the concept. Strike Witches is scheduled for 13, which is more reasonable. (Though given that it's Gonzo, I won't rule out the possibility that it's the first half of a two-parter, like Vandread.)
In the mean time, ep 4 of Strike Witches gave me more of what I wanted from the series. They're right on track. Ep 5 will be a beach episode, and it looks like it's mainly about Lucchini. Probably it will be a trainwreck, but that's OK. A beach episode is obligatory, so let's get it out of the way.
UPDATE: If they are indeed really planning to do 26, divided into two series, then what would be a good series-ender for the first 13?
Doubtful that this would be the climax of ep 13, but it would be a nice thing to put at the end after a climax, as an emotional finisher to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy.
One thing that's becoming clear: Miyafuji's raw magical power is titanic, way beyond anyone else's. She hasn't been showing it off, because she's not like that. And it hasn't really come up much, so not everyone really knows about it.
Sakamoto saw it in ep 2 when Miyafuji raised her shield, and the thing was immense. Of course, she would report that to Wilcke, and in ep 3 some of the conversation between Sakamoto and Wilcke makes clear that Wilcke knows.
And both Perrine and Barkhorn saw the extent of Miyafuji's power when she used her healing spell in ep 4.
It's interesting that Miyafuji has been in combat with the team twice now but hasn't raised her shield where the rest of them can see it, so it hasn't become blatant yet. The director is being coy about it.
But the time will come, probably not too much longer, when she's going to use her shield, and then the secret will be out completely.
And I figure that there will come a point in the series where there's a briefing about a new weapon, or a new combat technique someone has developed, or something like that, and at the end will come the statement "...and it has to be used by the team member who has the most power." And everyone will turn and look at Miyafuji, who will be embarassed and confused for a moment.
It'll be the war-ender, of course.
Speaking of the director being coy, have you noticed that Litvyak has been kept firmly in the background? We've seen almost nothing of her. I still haven't given up totally on the idea of Litvyak being a trap.
I bet Litvyak doesn't appear in the beach episode, either.
UPDATE: Regarding censorship of the BOST and Crunchyroll downloads, yeah they're definitely the censored version. (Via)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste in General Anime at
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However, I note that Gonzo was clever enough to give the girls their very own "hot springs" so they can stage a mini-onsen episode any time they want. Which brings me to the question: how much of the fog is going to vanish in the DVD release?
Sigh, if only Fubuki from Kamen no Maid Guy were a Strike Witch.... She'd make Charlotte hang her head in shame.
Posted by: ubu at July 24, 2008 07:14 PM (qKD7L)
(Watch the spoilers, please.)
In the first episode, the sign on the clinic is translated as "All-illness Miyafuji Clinic". There's no indication that it's limited to trauma, and in a town that small there wouldn't really be enough trauma cases to keep a clinic like that going. On the other hand, as you say it may be a mental thing, and perhaps psych cases are still outside her abilities.
As to the fog and such, there's no doubt at all we're getting a censored version, even though we're paying for it. And no doubt that there will be an uncensored version eventually.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at July 24, 2008 07:48 PM (+rSRq)
Steven, you've said that you think this is going to be a classic sports story, but now you say, "Miyafuji's raw magical power is titanic, way beyond anyone else's." That kind of talk makes me start thinking in terms of powers of ten.
What if she's as much more powerful than her team mates as they are over the mundane humans? Can you still have a sports story if one player proves so powerful that the rest of the team is reduced to support roles, or worse, if she can handily win game after game by all by herself? (Of course, even if she's worth ten or twenty or a hundred of her comrades, that may still not be enough to overcome the enemy, but then the situation is almost hopeless, and this doesn't look like that kind of show.)
Posted by: refugee at July 24, 2008 11:53 PM (l5DzU)
Sure you can. No matter how powerful a hitter one player is, you can't play baseball without nine.
I don't think she's as powerful as you're making out, anyway.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at July 25, 2008 04:10 AM (+rSRq)
Posted by: ubu at July 25, 2008 08:01 AM (dhRpo)
Enclose all spoilers in spoiler tags:
[spoiler]your spoiler here[/spoiler]
Spoilers which are not properly tagged will be ruthlessly deleted on sight.
Also, I hate unsolicited suggestions and advice. (Even when you think you're being funny.)
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