November 11, 2012

Sick day

Sorry, folks.

Posted by: Steven Den Beste in Daily Life at 04:50 PM | Comments (67) | Add Comment
Post contains 4 words, total size 1 kb.

1 Feel better soon!

Posted by: tellu541 at November 11, 2012 05:03 PM (G0RNj)

2 Killer hiccups?  Feel better soon, Steven!

Posted by: Wonderduck at November 11, 2012 07:03 PM (lS5Cn)

3 First Brickmuppet and now Steven - it's like some sort of anime-virus is on the loose!  Get well soon...

Posted by: Siergen at November 11, 2012 07:52 PM (Ao4Kw)

4 You could keep reloading your page and have a nice pick-me-up.  I've been getting a chain of Dog Days 2 pics.  Brightens my day.

Posted by: sqa at November 11, 2012 09:09 PM (iWwXY)

5 A hiccup virus sounds like something out of a horror movie. *shudder*

Posted by: Boviate at November 12, 2012 07:55 AM (L1IVj)

6 Best wishes. Get well soon!

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at November 12, 2012 05:56 PM (e9h6K)

7 I just got a message from Steven:
"Hi don. SCDB here. I'm in the hospital having suffered a small stroke. My mind is clear but my left side is weak. I don't know when I'll be home.
I can't leave anything on because my fire doesn't recognize the  comment  box and doesn't open the keyboard."

Posted by: Don at November 13, 2012 10:22 AM (M0Ixe)

8 Oh damn. 

Posted by: sqa at November 13, 2012 11:05 AM (iWwXY)

9 Damn.  Best wishes and get well soon

Posted by: ReallyBored at November 13, 2012 11:12 AM (HRMe/)

10 I was afraid it would come to that sooner or later. And a "small" stroke is still very bad.

Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at November 13, 2012 12:02 PM (RqRa5)

11 Oh, crap.  Believe me, that's not something *I* wanted to read.  Worried that your left side is still weak, but that may fade in a bit..   Personally,  I had very little physical impairment.after the first few hours.  But it's good that you can still type and think straight. 

Hang in there man -- and believe me, you got lucky.  Give thanks to the great big random number generator in the sky. 

Posted by: ubu at November 13, 2012 12:08 PM (SlLGE)

12 Best wishes for speedy & full recovery, good sir.

Posted by: Douglas Oosting at November 13, 2012 01:20 PM (N9Lwt)


My brotheri s loaning me a laptop which I can use on the hospital's wifi.

Looks like Thursday morning, I'll be transferring to a rehab place where I'm probably going to be staying for a week. I'm not looking forward to it but I'm also not thrilled about being profoundly crippled for the rest of my life, either.

I don't know if I'll have wifi access at the rehab.

In the meantime, my left hand is useless and I'm typing this with one finger.

I thank you all for your good wishes, and I'll update when i can and when there' something to say.

Posted by: Steven Den Beste at November 13, 2012 03:27 PM (xGt2P)

14 Damned entropy.

Posted by: Dave Young at November 13, 2012 03:56 PM (ZAk0Z)

15 Oh NO! Get well soon Steven!

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at November 13, 2012 04:23 PM (e9h6K)


Posted by: Wonderduck at November 13, 2012 04:24 PM (C98np)

17 Oh crap.

Thinking good thoughts, for whatever that's worth.  

Posted by: tellu541 at November 13, 2012 04:38 PM (G0RNj)

18 Douzo odaijini. Ganbatte kudasai.

Posted by: at November 13, 2012 05:02 PM (poC8e)

19 Damn. Get well soon doesn't seem to cover it, but...get well soon.  The internet needs SDB.

Posted by: Ben at November 13, 2012 05:10 PM (/Mdmg)

20 No!!  Get well soon Steven.

Posted by: Siergen at November 13, 2012 06:35 PM (Ao4Kw)

21 Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Posted by: Aaron Nowack at November 13, 2012 06:37 PM (mhNIL)

22 For whatever it's worth, my thoughts and prayers are with you tonight.

Posted by: BigD at November 13, 2012 06:43 PM (dZQ+F)

23 Just heard about this on Instapundit. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Posted by: muon at November 13, 2012 06:52 PM (JXm2R)

24 Yikes! Sorry to hear about that, hope all goes well in rehab.  Best wishes.

Posted by: Mark at November 13, 2012 06:56 PM (i24Ag)

25 Dang nab it!

Killer hiccups indeed.

For what the prayers of someone on the Internet might be worth, you have them.

Posted by: refugee at November 13, 2012 07:06 PM (ayoGu)

26 Wow, get well soon, Steven.

Posted by: RickC at November 13, 2012 07:10 PM (WQ6Vb)

27 Steven - Focus on your recovery! Of course, if posting helps with your recovery, by all means post.  I mean, we have to know what those DAMNED BEAVERS ARE UP TO....

I will pray for your speedy recovery.

Posted by: at November 13, 2012 07:35 PM (j+44v)

28 Jesu.

Of course, the *sshole engineer in me looked up "left brain" and immediately thought "Well, of all the people on this planet, Mr. Den Beste has spare logical power to afford a slight loss."

I wish you to lose nothing at all.  Some of my recent wishes have been unfulfilled, but I would really like this one to be fulfilled.

Posted by: Mark A. Flacy at November 13, 2012 07:36 PM (Zdi7L)

29 (Whoops - forgot to sign my comment @ 27...)

Posted by: Tex Lovera at November 13, 2012 07:37 PM (j+44v)

30 The other *sshole engineer part of me noted that "left brain" means "right side" and vice versa.

Now I wish that I could delete my previous comment.  Oh well.  Ban me if you wish; I wouldn't blame you for doing so.

Posted by: Mark A. Flacy at November 13, 2012 07:39 PM (Zdi7L)

31 And here I've been moping because I've got the 'flu...

Get well soon, Steven.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at November 13, 2012 07:50 PM (PiXy!)

32 Best wishes indeed. Speedy recovery and cute nurses at the rehab center...

Posted by: Avatar_exADV at November 13, 2012 08:10 PM (pWQz4)

33 That's terrible. I'll be watching this page for your recovery.

Posted by: jcm3 at November 13, 2012 08:14 PM (OU30d)

34 My very best thoughts go out to you.  I hope your hospital stay is bearable,  the food is edible, and that your therapy goes apace.  For what it's worth, it's probably better to get it done now than to wait for ObamaCare to kick in.

Posted by: Nanc yGee at November 13, 2012 09:39 PM (OhKRa)

35 Eeek! Best wishes on a speedy & full recovery.

Posted by: Cybrludite at November 13, 2012 09:54 PM (GDpMq)

36 You will overcome, I have confidence in you.

Posted by: Mauser at November 14, 2012 12:53 AM (cZPoz)

37 I used to read your blog way back when.  So sorry to hear about your stroke . . . best wishes for a quick and full recovery!

Posted by: lolajl at November 14, 2012 05:34 AM (CZGGV)

38 Get well soon.

Posted by: Will at November 14, 2012 06:55 AM (BkwVO)

39 Get well soon! Best wishes for a full recovery.

Posted by: atomic_fungus at November 14, 2012 07:19 AM (7I+sl)

40 All my best to you.

I have enjoyed reading your ramblings over the years; thank you for doing what you do, so well.

Posted by: dkallen99 at November 14, 2012 08:11 AM (2lHZP)

41 Oh my, not good news at all. You have my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Posted by: Boviate at November 14, 2012 08:37 AM (L1IVj)

42 Best wishes.  I'm having trouble putting further things into words.

Again, your analytical thinking led me to believe that engineering might be a good match for me.

You've led me into anime, and pointed me into the direction of some good ones.

Knowing you makes my like richer.

Posted by: PatBuckman at November 14, 2012 08:57 AM (B9OTJ)

43 Get well soon--can't wait to have you back.

Posted by: Toren at November 14, 2012 01:17 PM (iKkTb)

44 And here was hoping it was just a mere hiccup issue. Wish the best for you, Steven.

Posted by: Jaked at November 14, 2012 01:33 PM (b5eWw)

45 Sorry to hear of the stroke and glad it's not worse. Our prayers for a good recovery and rehab.

Posted by: Griffin at November 14, 2012 07:10 PM (9vBOD)

46 As stated above, damned entropy.

For what it's worth, I'm praying that you have a speedy and full recovery.

Posted by: thenullset at November 14, 2012 10:15 PM (+/GEw)

47 Get well quickly, and may you recover full use of your facilities!

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at November 15, 2012 09:50 AM (T5fuR)

48 Best wishes and hope for a speedy recovery.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at November 15, 2012 10:20 AM (i0App)

49 I don't really know what to say besides the obvious, that you have my best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Just know that whether or not you resume writing, you've been a source of humor and of thought for many people, and we are all better for having 'met' you.

Posted by: Civilis at November 15, 2012 03:52 PM (WH1ZL)

50 Steven,

I haven't commented on your blog, but I do love your writing, and have read your old blog for years with great interest. It is a rare and wonderful thing to find someone who thinks about the world in the way that you do.

I hope you have a full recovery. Take care.

Posted by: EccentricOrbit at November 15, 2012 04:41 PM (oLJ/5)

51 SDB,

Don't let this piss you off too much. Just keep being you. I look forward to reading all of the inane details of your rehab.

Love you, brother


Posted by: astro at November 17, 2012 06:02 PM (BTpHe)

52 @ Astro: Wowzers, an Astro sighting! Are you blogging anywhere now?

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at November 19, 2012 06:02 AM (e9h6K)

53 Pixy, it looks like the spammers are at play while SDB is away ....  I know everyone wants to pay their respects, but is it possible to shut comments off, or do something else to prevent Steven from having to deal with this when (I say again, WHEN!) he comes back?

Posted by: ubu at November 19, 2012 06:10 AM (SlLGE)

54 Steven, I've not had nerve damage, but I've been through a different sorts of physical therapy three times. Once after a back injury in Army Basic, once after knee surgery in '05 and once after a spinal injury in 08-09.

As you now know, therapy sucks and it can be very demoralizing. However as useless and as demoralizing asit seems at times it does get better.  My mom went through a stroke in January and she's just about fully recovered, but she did not stop the therapy. Being a bachelor has disadvantages in these situations. Just remember that there are more than 50 people out here who are sincerely rooting for you.


Posted by: The Brickmuppet at November 19, 2012 06:18 AM (e9h6K)

55 Ubu - zapped them.  I'll keep an eye on things.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at November 19, 2012 07:00 PM (PiXy!)

56 Okay, it was a week. Should we start coordinating some kind of meatspace effort? I'm in NM, so outside of easy driving range, but still...

Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at November 20, 2012 08:09 AM (RqRa5)

57 I'm further away, in Texas, but I'm game.  We talking cards, letters, financial support for the medical costs, local volunteers to do something? I'm thinking SDB might not have the greatest of insurance... Does anyone know how to contact his brother?

We probably don't need to discuss this on an open thread either. use my gmail address to contact me.  I'm u/b/u/r/o/i/1  (without the slashes; that's a "one" not "L").

Posted by: ubu at November 20, 2012 02:56 PM (SlLGE)

58 GreyDuck lives in Oregon, he's probably the closest of us.

Posted by: Wonderduck at November 20, 2012 06:05 PM (V/OLv)

59 I'm actually just a few miles away from Steven.  Previous offers to meet for anime watching or to provide assistance have been rebuffed, but maybe that will change.

Posted by: David at November 20, 2012 10:28 PM (vyRm+)

60 I've been contacted by several people who follow Chizumatic.  I'm at work today and I doubt we can do much during the holidays, but I'll be in touch.  Until we have a contact in his family though, we can't do much.

Posted by: ubu at November 21, 2012 05:43 AM (SlLGE)

61 I've got gmail at t/n/t/j/a/r/k/s and would like to pitch in if we do anything.  Please let me know.

Posted by: Tom Tjarks at November 21, 2012 01:28 PM (T5fuR)

62 I just heard from Steven again:
"Hi Don. Please echo:

I appreciate the thought but I don’t need anything.

Therapy is going well and I am regaining control of my left side. I might be able to go home in a week."

Posted by: Don at November 21, 2012 02:14 PM (E4dk1)

63 Well, that's a big relief. I had a friend who was killed in rehab in 2002 by some kind of medication mix-up. He was recovering after a surgery on aneurism.

Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at November 21, 2012 03:46 PM (RqRa5)

64 Don, thank you for the update.  Steven, when you come back, you're going to have to get used to the fact that we all care about you.

Posted by: Wonderduck at November 21, 2012 03:51 PM (V/OLv)

65 I'm glad to hear that he's improving  If he hadn't piped in, I would've resorted to posts about "free energy" - that always gets a reaction from him... .  

Posted by: Siergen at November 21, 2012 04:01 PM (Ao4Kw)


Hey, no topic drift when the boss man isn't here!

Hope things continue to go well, Steven.

Posted by: Mikeski at November 21, 2012 09:37 PM (DU6Ja)

67 Happy Thanksgiving Steven!

May your recovery be swift.

Posted by: The Brickmuppet at November 22, 2012 09:44 AM (vp6an)

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